
Best Mode expresses the great tradition of Italian fashion, in agreement with the market’s needs. Best Mode’s style is identifiable by its “innovative touch” which adds to the garments the best of the new trends and of the lead technologies, in order to make fashion products of the highest quality. All the collections, both the ones designed and produced by Best Mode and the ones which are distributed, share the same elegant and refined style.


All of Best Mode’s garments are completely designed and manufactured in Italy, in selected workshops and businesses with established experience. Production is characterized by a particular attention in choosing the materials and care for the details and the finishes. Not only creativity and design, but also experience and constant search for new solutions and materials according to the tastes and expectations of the final customer.


Best Mode distributes its collections via its own network of agents who are always in touch with the customers, offering them qualified consulting and guiding them towards choosing the most suitable product. The pool of agents is highly professional and serious in protecting its customers, who enjoy sole selling rights on a territorial level. Punctuality and quality of the supply service are other strengths in the way Best Mode is organized.

Customer Service

By embracing the philosophy of the scheduled ready-to-wear, Best Mode offers to its customers the possibility to limit the risk of stock leftovers, accompanied by a swift and on-time restocking service. The company is close to the customers’ needs, offering home delivery via its own staff who guarantee timeliness, care for the product and assistance.